Tuesday 13 October 2009

Naughty day and possible script

Remus was awful yesterday.

He snuck up to me and licked my ham sandwich while it was still in my hand! I told him off and he ran off and then shot back and ran over my laptop and made it go funny. He then hid behind the top of the sofa and as soon as I looked away he shot up the curtain to get the bit of string at the top!

Oh and the day before he took the catnip off me and spilled loads on the floor and was going mental, jumping and rolling around for ages where it fell.

This did make me think of the Simon's Cat animations. I was thinking about it before I went to sleep and came up with a possible short. Below is what I wrote.

Blue text is Remus' actions and red is mine.

I'm working on laptop and eating a ham sandwich at the same time.

Remus stalks around the sofa, hiding, popping his out in various places. He then runs to his toy box and knocks it over.

I look up and awwww grrrr and roll eyes but go back to work.

The whole time Remus is looking Innocent but as soon as he sees I am looking away he grabs the Cat Nip bag and carries it to under the stool and rips it open.

I look up just as it happens.

Remus is eating it and smacking it (his pupils go big during eating).

I run to him yelling.

Remus runs off.

I get there go awwww as bending down and try to pick up the spilt catnip.

While doing this Remus comes back and starts jumping and rolling in it again and getting in the way.

Once only crumbs are left I go back to work.

Remus carries on messing the crumbs until he notices I'm eating my sandwich. He sneaks up and sits on the arm of the sofa.

I look at him and move the sandwich away.

He sneaks around the back and meows at me and looks at sandwich.

I shake head and move it back to my left side.

He waits till I'm not looking and goes behind me.

I look around think hes gone.

He then sneaks back to my left and he reaches to my sandwich in my left hand and licks my sandwich!

I look and then look away but suddenly shoot my head back and snatch my sandwich back.

Remus still has his tongue out during this but the jumps off the sofa as I wave my hand and look angry. He runs to the other side of the sofa and hides at the back of it.

I've been watching this but as he looks calm, I go back to eating my sandwich and working on laptop.

Remus suddenly pops his head up and does the glare he does when hes going to attack me on the stairs but then stops and meerkats to scope the room. He looks up and sees the string at the top of the curtain. (Zoom in as he notices it). He then goes back to the stairs stalk pose, wiggles his bum and shoots up the curtain as he's reaching...

I jump up and grab him and put him on the floor and finger wag him, he goes for my finger so I growl. I then fix the top of the corner and turn around to find him finishing my sandwich! I awwww and fall to sit down flopped on the sofa. Looking defeated.

He looks at me and pulls out one of his toy mice and puts it on the plate and slides it to me with a big grin.

My mouth drops and just turn eyes to camera and roll my eyes.

Thursday 8 October 2009


I had a thought just know! I could do illustrations of what happens in each of the episodes I write here. That way it will keep me practicing drawing and if I use him I will get good at drawing Remus as a cartoon character, which would help me do my short film :D

Will have to come up with a design of a cartoon Remus first though.

Bath Time

Remus is fascinated by the bath and while I was having one yesterday he was sitting by the tap and get reaching under the water to attack my toes. Everytime he did it I splashed my foot and he got wet but he just carried on as he loves the water. He was rather wet by the end of my bath and when I moved my knees up to my chest he realised he couldn't get out of the corner without going in the water so cried. I lifted him into the bath and he sat in the water and looked at me as if to say 'why did you do that! you were meant to lift me onto the floor!' He then started exploring that bit of the bath and had a bit of a panic because a bubble pile floated over to him. He punched it and then jumped over it, span to see where it was and it was touching his tale so he jumped out and soaked everything in the bathroom.

I could do the end of this story but not a lot really happened and I think its only really funny in real-life. Thought I would share it though. You never know, it might be possible to add it to a future bath experience or join other short happenings to make a story of lots of little funny happenings.

Wednesday 7 October 2009

A big spider OH NO!

I was sitting downstairs and just heard a big crash and lots of running and banging upstairs so I ran upstairs and fin my stuff all on the floor and the shelf above my bed a mess and Remus jumping and climbing up the curtain or the wall to try and get a HUGE spider on the ceiling. I am a huge arachnophobic so I just cowered by the door and couldn't do anything to stop him or get rid of the spider. I remembered that I had ordered a takeaway and it would arrive soon so when it did I asked the takeaway guy to get rid of it. The spider also moved right across the room while I waited and fell on my big round chair when the takeaway guy arrived. Remus wasn't too happy about this and cried at the back door where the spider was put out.

This made me think of the new Simon's Cat episode that you can see below. It also made me thick of a 3D animation I recently saw and you can also see that below. I could make it like that episode but base it on the spider but with a bit more lean to what happened in my story.

My Bag

Remus just attacked the strap wildly and went crazy, I shooed him away and he came back after attacking his cube and running around the room wildly. When he got back to my bag he curled up and fell asleep on it. Not long after Matt was getting up and snuck up on him and booed him. Remus jumped and span and meowed loudly in his face. Was really quite funny.

I was imagining Remus attacking my bag and being shooed but then kept ripping. My bag slowly getting worse. I get up and move him. He sits and meows looking innocent and waits till my back is turned and then runs back. He then attacks it again and when I see he falls on his back with his paws in the air as if surrendering. Then the end bit with Matt happened seen as its funny as it is.

What is this blog and who is Remus?

This is a blog to record all the naughty or funny things that involve my cat, Remus. He is a Bengal Cat and was born 14th May 2009. He is a gorgeous, funny and sweet cat but can be naughty that's why I am also keeping this blog for ideas for an animation I would like to do. If you have seen Simon's Cat it will be pretty much the same but I would like to do it in 3D and of course be based on Remus.
Below is a link to all my photos of Remus on Facebook :)


Oh any writing in italic like this bit will be ideas animation wise based on what I write about what he did.