Thursday 8 October 2009

Bath Time

Remus is fascinated by the bath and while I was having one yesterday he was sitting by the tap and get reaching under the water to attack my toes. Everytime he did it I splashed my foot and he got wet but he just carried on as he loves the water. He was rather wet by the end of my bath and when I moved my knees up to my chest he realised he couldn't get out of the corner without going in the water so cried. I lifted him into the bath and he sat in the water and looked at me as if to say 'why did you do that! you were meant to lift me onto the floor!' He then started exploring that bit of the bath and had a bit of a panic because a bubble pile floated over to him. He punched it and then jumped over it, span to see where it was and it was touching his tale so he jumped out and soaked everything in the bathroom.

I could do the end of this story but not a lot really happened and I think its only really funny in real-life. Thought I would share it though. You never know, it might be possible to add it to a future bath experience or join other short happenings to make a story of lots of little funny happenings.

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